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CCIEE – AASCU China Dual Degree 1-2-1 and Exchange Programs


Other CHEPD-SSU Programs

Chinese Student Testimonials学生

Yezhen Ma '21, TESOL

As an international student of the 1+2+1 program at Salem State, I always feel welcomed. The professors here are very helpful, and I can turn to them for help in class and out of class. Students here are nice, and they are always willing to listen to our perspectives from different cultural backgrounds. Although the proportion of international students at Salem State?is not big, we are a very active and vigorous group on campus. We hold many events to share our culture, celebrate our differences, and connect students from all over the world.

Dean’s List 优秀学生名单
ISA Treasurer 国际学生会财务主管
4+1 Graduate 获得4+1对外英语教学研究生入学资格

Mingyue Tao '21, Bachelor of Arts in English

I’m a junior in Salem State and my major is English. The?life at Salem State is an experience that I’ve never had and will never forget. The university offers all kinds of educational resources?for their students. You can improve your writing by going to the writing center. We also have peer tutors and student leaders embedded in some courses. If you have any questions about your academic profile, you can always go to the 麻豆成人精品 for Academic Excellence for help. The professors here are also always accessible?and ready to assist us. All of the professors hold office hours every week, and if you cannot make it at those time slots, you’re always welcome to schedule another meeting time with them. Salem State has a positive community vibe. The faculty are friendly and helpful. I’ve made so many friends here and some of them have become family for me. I remember at the end of the last semester when I was moving to my new dorm, a lot of people came and helped me move. I’ve received so much love and care?at this place. To come to Salem State is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

Hanwen, Liu '21, Bachelor of Science in Sport and Movement Science

During my time living and studying at Salem State University, I have had lots of new and different experiences. Firstly, unlike the teaching style in most Chinese universities, teachers here prefer to let students figure out things on their own. As a result, I need to spend much time reading textbooks and searching for information after classes to make sure I can finish assignments and get high scores on exams. However, I soon got used to this kind of teaching method.

For a sports person like me, the gyms and indoor basketball courts make this university the best place. Plenty of fitness equipment and a nice atmosphere make exercising enjoyable, and I regard it as a good chance to improve my sports skills. Because of the daily training, I have made many friends from other countries, encouraging and exchanging experiences from each other, which is also good for practicing my oral English.

Salem is a very peaceful town where I can focus on me and have time to think about the present and the future.? Sometimes cultural diversity is challenging, but experiencing foreign education and culture is also part of studying abroad.

Limin Wang '20, Master of Education in Higher Education and Student Affairs (HESA)

As a graduate student in the HESA program, I am doing my practicum at Salem State's 麻豆成人精品 for International Education (CIE).?This has enabled me to gain experience in the field of international exchange and study abroad which will help me apply this to work in international education at a Chinese university after graduation. The staff of the CIE and other offices are always enthusiastic and patient and the programs and activities that CIE facilitates for international students come in many different forms. The peer mentor program, weekly coffee hour, and International Bread Day highly engage international students on campus, which helps us to better blend in American culture and get involved in the Salem State community.?I have been inspired to incorporate these activities when I start to work with our international students in China. The educational experience in Salem State has prepared me very well for my future career, and faculty and staff are very helpful to us.?Coming to Salem State is the best decision I have ever made.

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